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Hotel Storm

It was about 1997. I went all over Japan for business.

I would always stay in gray business-hotels. After finishing work and
dinner with my colleagues, I started doing ‘it’ at the room. Getting
rid of the mattress and prop it up on the wall, turn the TV upside
down, putting the phone turned over on the floor… And I took pictures
of the room. There weren’t digital cameras those days. I used
disposable cameras. Then I would put everything back as if nothing had
happened, and next morning check out the hotel with a nonchalant
expression on my face.




Hotel Storm 1

Hotel Storm 1

Combination of color film prints 25cmx25cm Photo Yusuke Sunaga

Hotel Storm 2

Hotel Storm 2

Combination of color film prints 25cmx25cm Photo Yusuke Sunaga

Hotel Storm 3

Hotel Storm 3

Combination of color film prints 25cmx25cm Photo Yusuke Sunaga

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