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Gallery GEN  
Jan26-31. 2015


"Das Kapital"  that have been pickled in salted rice bran
ぬか漬けされた本、木材、石Books that have been picked in salted rice bran, Wood, Stone 






Rice Glue, Bamboo charcoal, Wood board,Red strings,  Fake fur, Forks

JUSTICE: What's the right thing to do?
Water, Indian ink, Toy figures made from soft vinyl, Resin board, Letters

天王星 - ウラニウム
Blueberry jam, Strawberry jam, Marmalade, Fusuma(Japanese sliding door)
Uranus 〈天王星)
不明物体の入ったブルーベリージャムの瓶、文字ラベル、セロファンテープ Blueberry jam bottle containing an unknown object , label, Sellotape
1994年制作 Made in 1994


Truth, Freedom, Peace
A book which was burned


Artist Talk






 Social Cannibal


The Cannibalism is a meaning of "man-eating" 

Since ancient times, people have been eating people.

It was such common custom as we cannot discover folks which did not have cannibalism. But of course the custom was not daily event. Cannibalism was a religiously special event.  


Cannibalism has three meanings.

First one is making sure the unity of relatives. There are customs that people bite bones of a dead person after cremation in particular region in Japan. They ate bones of a dead person(It changed into only biting later). They enhance the unity of relatives by the custom. 

Second is eating an enemy to get his bravery in case of war.  

Third one is paradoxically to keep death at a distance. In ancient times, people paid attention to keep death at a distance because they do not understand causes of disease. They burned a dead body and throw it into a river or the sea, or feed the body to birds in order to put the death far in the distance. But eating the dead person to get the death in their body, they don’t need to be afraid of death. They overcome death by taking it into their body.

I guess the third meaning may not be understood by modern people. But it is by no means eccentric that you become the thing which you want to overcome in order to overcome it. 


Now we, mankind is at a turning point as a specie. Seeing increasing of world population in recent a hundred years, it will be obvious. The population explosion is discontinuous and singular change. Something is occurred. Where are we heading? 

And population of so-called advanced nations turned into stable or small decrease. The situation is entering a new stage. Then what is happening?


We the humans stopped touching nature directly and have been touched it through the filter of technical civilization. We built environment which contents artifacts only.  


I guess some are suffocated by living in the situation. So am I. But I cannot find positive meanings in returning ancient life. We need an ethics that work in new era to come. 


So I want to restore the ancient’s sense of value.  You should get technical civilization and economic system into your body critically.

Don’t use the technical civilization as a tool. 

You eat it.

You get it into your body to eliminate its value.

I do not mean that you should eat electric circuit boards or nuclear fuel. Ancient people tried to overcome death by changing others body which is respected as an equivalent to theirs into food. You should try the same ethical conversion as they did.


What is the outcome of it? 

A human does not think by himself, does not determine by himself. Body, society and situation make a human think or move. I think about something. Because there is stuff behind me saying “Think about it”. Condition of my body, various human relations, economic situation and social situation require my small reason to think.


Above mentioned matter activates the whole situation. And it restores the unconscious, indiscretion, the earth, body, spirit that connected to the nature continuously.

Ancient people regarded phenomena in their mind or body, human affairs and phenomena of the nature as a continuous system. We should restore the same system in the modern technical civilization. 


It means as follows. We are deeply impressed seeing planets or galaxies images which are taken by planetary probe Voyager or Habble space telescope. It was given from technical civilization without doubt. The deep impression is hold not only by my mind but also by whole technical civilization. I think mankind has come to the stage. 


Tetsuya TAJIMA


Cannibalism とは「人食い」の意味である。


































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